Hayley Lockey is born


Ruddy Lockey becomes Giard at The Gorge Castle.


Hayley Lockey starts as Guard at Gorge Castle.


Midsummer Ruddy Lockey and Sills Mayson forms a search team.

Sir Leonard of Malbourgh and Lady Samantha of Turain find, Sir Peter of Turain, Hayley and Ruddy Lockey and Sills Mayson armed with bow and arrows.

They ride of toward The Cursed Horn.

At the base of the horn, they meet up with, Finley Mayson, Sir Ethan of Turain and Dawley Mayberry armed with bows and arrows from Turain Town.

They make a bomfire, and start shooting fire arrows after the harpies to scare them away.

Late Summer Ruddy Lockey is premoted to Lieutenant and body guard for the twin sisters.

Christmas Lady Samantha of Turain can't stand not to have sex any more, so she have Ruddy Lockey, the Lieutenant of the Turainian army, to shaft her in secrecy.

Lady Samantha of Turain uses Ruddy Lockey, the captain of the Turainian army, as her carpet knight.


Early Spring Lady Samantha of Turain can't take it any more to be way from Sir Leonard of Malbourgh, and she wants to go to Malbourgh, to see Sir Leonard of Malbourgh again and starts to organize a departure for Malbourgh, though it's to early for the wedding.

Lady Samantha of Turain have their oncle and aunt Sir Ethan of Turain and Sharon Turain with their children Annika and Gielgud to excord her and Lady Maritha of Turain to Malbourgh. Their brother, Sir Peter of Turain and his fiancee, Hayley Lockey, follows them too.

As bodyguards they to Malbourgh bring Ruddy Lockey and Sills Mayson, whom have his fiancee, Janis Baker with him.

Janis Baker secretly provides Lady Samantha of Turain with contraception potoin, to prevent anything to happen, when she use Ruddy Lockey as her carpet knight.

Late Spring Sir Ethan of Turain unexspectably arrives at Malbourgh Castle with the Turainian twins together with their crew: Sharon Turain with their children Annika and Gielgud, Sir Peter of Turain and his fiancee, Hayley Lockey, and their bodyguard Ruddy Lockey and Sills Mayson, whom have his fiancee, Janis Baker, and demands a place to stay until the wedding.

Sir Patrick and Lady Lady Cathry of Malbourgh welcome the early guest, and like Sir Ethan of Turain, his wife and children, Sharon, Annika and Gielgud to stay at the castle. Likewise Sir Peter of Turain and his fiancee, Hayley Lockey.

Lady Maritha and Lady Samantha of Turain must stay at The Crowmed Liom with their bodyguard, Ruddy Lockey, Sills Mayson and Jenis Baker until they get married.

Sir Benjamin and Sir Leonard of Malbourgh have Lady Maritha and Lady Samantha installed in two interconnecting suites, each with a room for the guards at The Crowned Liom.

Lady Maritha has Sills Mayson and Jenis Baker as guard and Lady Samantha has Ruddy Lockey as guard.

When Sir Peter of Turain and Hayley Lockey come to inspect the guards of the Turainian twin-ladies, Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh gets a message from Slim Bellerby.

Early Summer Lady Samantha of Turain tells Sir Leonard of Malbourgh, she can't wait any lomger and he have to find a way to get passed the guard, Ruddy Lockey, to make with her again.

Lady Samantha of Turain doesn't mentions, she still uses Ruddy Lockey as her carpet knight.

Hence, Finly Dade performes for Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha, Sir Benjamin and Lady Maritha, Lady Valerie and Pete Barta, Sir Ethan of Turain and Sharon Turain with their children Annika and Gielgud and Sir Peter of Turain and Hayley Lockey.

After the show Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh follows Sir Ethan of Turain and Sharon Turain with their children Annika and Gielgud and Sir Peter of Turain and Hayley Lockey home to Malbourgh Castle Finly Dade starts kissing and cuddling with Ruddy Lockey.

While Ruddy Lockey is preoccupied, Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha sneaks into the suite of Lady Samantha to sleep together.

Midsummer When the rumour of the early arrival of the Turainian twins to Malbourgh, their family start to arrive at Malbourgh too.

The uncle and aunt of the twins, Sir William and Lady Marisa of Wondon arrive with their cousins Sir Thomas of Wondon and Lady Stefanie with her fiancee David Smith, who is their bodyguard too, and the other oncle and aunt of the twins, Sir George Fern and Lady Allyson of Guttric with their Children Sir Arnold Fern and Lady Josephine Fern, arrive together, as the Guttrician had traveled throgh Wondon and Grossbourgh to bypass the mountains of Lewinton with their bodyguard, Abe Walden.

Each family gets their own suite at The Crowmed Lion.

Sir Leonard of Malbourgh and Lady Samantha of Turain are entertaining Sir William, Lady Marisa, Sir Thomas, Lady Stefanie and David Smith of Wondon, and Sir George Fern, Lady Allyson, Sir Arnold Fern and Lady Josephine Fern of Guttric.

At the pub of the theatre, while cuddling with his future wife, Lady Samantha of Turain, who is guarded by Ruddy Lockey, Sir Leonard of Malbourgh introduces the rest of the guests for Sir Gareth of Lewinton:

Sir William and Lady Marisa of Wondon and their childen, Sir Thomas of Wondon and Lady Stefanie with her fiancee David Smith.

They came some days ago with Sir George Fern and Lady Allyson of Guttric and their Childen, Sir Arnold Fern and Lady Josephine Fern of Guttric.

Their future wifes has their uncle, Sir Ethan of Turain, and his wife, Sharon Turain, with their childen, Annika and Gielgud.

After having agreed to meet at the theatre for practising tomorrow, Finly Dade shows Eileen Twinley to the pub at the theatre, where Sir Gareth of Lewinton sits with his family.

Finly Dade finds Ruddy Lockey, and starts kissing and cuddling him, before he seattle beside him.

Eileen Twinley finds Sir Gareth of Lewinton, who embraises her, while he pushes Kari Bellerby away.

Amie Hauck is serving supper for them all.

At the launch area of the theatre the afternoon of The Midsommer concert, Abe Walden finds his family, Lady Maritha and Samantha of Turain with their bodygaurds Ruddy Lockey, Sills Mayson and Janis Baker together with Sir George Fern and Lady Allyson of Guttric and their children Sir Arnold Fern and Lady Josephine Fern of Guttric.

Ruddy Lockey and Finly Dade suon starts cuddling together.

On an other table for the brides, Lady Maritha and Samantha of Turain with their uncle and aunt, Sir Ethan of Turain and Sharon Turain, and their brother Sir Peter of Turain with his girlfriend Hayley Lockey, and their Guards, Sills Mayson, Jenis Baker and Ruddy Lock.

The father of Niel Hauck, Roger Hauck, will be serving this table.

After supper, Bettina Hauck, Finly Dade and Abe Walden enters the stage, and start play music.

As soon as Sir Leonard of Malbourgh hears the music, he dashes to the table, where Lady Samantha of Turain is sitting, and invites her to dance with him.

Samantha of Turain loves to dance with him. Ruddy Lockey finds it unnessasory to go with his lady at the dance floor to ward her there, and stay at the table to watch her from there.

Then Sir Leonard of Malbourgh and Lady Samantha of Turain are dancing until the music stops.

Lady Stefanie of Wonden handles Sophie Smith over to Ruddy Lockey, and asks him, if he can nurse her, so that she and David Smith can dance together.

Ruddy Lockey carries Sophie Smith with him to the childen's table, where Sir Josephine Fern of Guttric is dragging Sir Thomas of Wondon to the dance floor.

With Sophie Smith on his lap, Ruddy Lockey watches lovingly at Finly Dade playing.

Bettina Hauck annonces a small break in the show, and the audience returns to their seats.

Etta Combler tries to get out of the squash of Charles Riggs and at last she wreggles herself of of his grasp, and goes down to the main table to help Chantelle Wood serving the table.

Charles Riggs returns to the childen's table, and checks with Niel Hauck, before he takes care of the childen.

Ruddy Lockey has been watching Charles Riggs and Etta Combler, and giggly comments, that girls don't like to be squashed up.

When Bettina Hauck, Finly Dade and Abe Walden finishing the playing, Eileen Twinley is hugging them all, and thanks them for the dance, and says goodnight until tomorrw. Then Eileen Twinley and Sir Garthe of Lewinton amorously return to lodging of Sir Gareth of Lewinton.

Finly Dade is kissing Ruddy Lockey, while Sir Leonard of Malbourgh kisses Lady Samantha of Turain goodnight.

When Lady Samantha of Turain had kissed Sir Leonard goodnight, she lockes her in to her room and Sir Leonard of Malbourgh leaves with Slim Bellerby, and Ruddy Lockey and Conrad Combler are stading guard at her suite.

When Conrad Combler has watched Finly Dade and Ruddy Lockey kissing and cuddling for a while, he suggests Finly Dade takes Ruddy Lockey with him home to make love, while he takes the guard alone.

Early in the morning next day, Ruddy Lockey kisses Finly Dade goodmorning and hurries to the accommodations of the theatre to guard Lady Samantha of Turain before somebody realize, he had been shagging with Finly all night.

Ruddy Lockey returns from the lodging of Finly Dade, where they had made love all night.

The uncle of Lady Samantha of Turain, Sir Ethan of Turain is entering the suite with her sister, Lady Maritha of Turain to wish her goodmorning.

The two sisters are hugging each other goodmorning, before they all joins the launch area of the theatre, where Niel Hauck is serving breakfast for Sharon Turain and her children, Annika and Gielgud.

Lady Samantha of Turain likes to thanks the artists for the show last night, and David Smith thinks, that is posible, because he knows the artists.

David Smith kisses Lady Stefanie of Wondon, who is eating breakfast with Sophie Smith on her labl, and talking with Sharon Turain and lady Maritha of Turain.

Thus, David Smith takes Sir Leonard of Malbourgh, Lady Samantha of Turain and Ruddy Lockey to the back stage of the theatre.

David Smith arrives at the back stage with Sir Leonard of Malbourgh, Lady Samantha of Turain with her bodyguard, Ruddy Lockey, to the artists, and Lady Samantha can thank the artists for the show last night.

Ruddy Lockey immediately kisses Finly Dade, and while Lady Samantha of Turain is flattering the orchestra, Finly is cuddling Ruddy.

Appaerently, David Smith and Abe Walden have studied at The Royal Theatre together and are embarrassing each other.

David Smith, too, knows the brother of Eileen Twinley, Joseph, and David and Lady Samantha of Turain are flattering her, too.

At Lunch, Bettina Hauck wants the visitors out, and Sir Leonard of Malbourgh, Lady Samantha of Turain, Ruddy Lockey and David Smith are leaving the back stage.

When Sir Leonard of Malbourgh, Lady Samantha of Turain with her bodygaurd, Ruddy Lockey, and David Smith are returning from the backstage, David is kissing Lady Stefanie of Wondon and starts playing with Sophie.

Sir Leonard of Malbourgh and Lady Samantha of Turain are having fun together the rest of the afternoon, while Ruddy Lockey is watching them.

At supper, Finly Dade and Abe Walden joins Sir Leonard of Malbourgh, Lady Samantha of Turain with her bodygaurd, Ruddy Lockey, and David Smith after the had practised.

Finly Dade immediately starts kissing and cuddling with Ruddy Lockey, until Niel Hauck is serving them all supper.

When the night comes, Lady Samantha of Turain resigns to her room, and her her bodygaurd stands guard as usual with Conrad Combler, while Sir Leonard of Malbourgh and Slim Bellerby retreats to the castle.

Ruddy Lockey and Finly Dade are kissing and cuddling until Conrad Combler promise them, to keep the guard alone. Then they desapeare to the appartment of Finly Dade.

At the appartment of Finly Dade, he wants Ruddy Locky to rub him with Madam Sukri's balsam, before they make love.

At the morning of the weddings, Ruddy Lockey wakes up with Finly Dade, to find, they have overslept.

Ruddy Lockey kissed Finly Dade goodmorning, and jumping in to his clothers, he rushes to the suite at The Crowmed Liom.

Before Conrad Combler could say anything, an anxious Lady Samantha of Turain enters the guardroom, and orders Ruddy Lockey to keep hush about Sir Leonard of Malbourgh, has been sleeping with her tonight.

Conrad Combler doesn't understand it, but he knows, he doesn't has to fear the Lieutenant of Turian any longer.

When Sir Ethan of Turain moments later arrives with Lady Maritha of Turain, Ruddy Lockey loyally reports, that he has been guarding Lady Samantha of Turain all night.

Lady Maritha of Turain flies in to Lady Samantha and hugs her, before they all joins the launch area to eat the launch Lunch Niel Hauck has ready for them.

Early Autumn at Finly Dades appartment, Bettina Hauck finds his brother with Ruddy Lockey, who has stayed after the weddings, and she asks him to make a performance. He'll ask their brother, Sean Dade to come and help them playing.


Midsommer at Rooster Claw, Sir Leonard, Lady Samantha and Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourg with their nanny, Chantelle Wood, and their bodyguard, Slim Bellerby, and their companions, Finly Dade and Ruddy Lockey meet David Smith and Lady Stefanie of Wondon and their daughter, Sophie, who are preparing the nearby Wondon Tower for his wedding.

Lady Samantha of Malbourg makes excueses for Lady Maritha of Turain for not comming to the wedding.

Lady Stefanie of Wondon advices her cousin, Lady Samantha of Malbourgh to stay at The Rooster Claw, since the inn is large and close to Wondon Tower, where the wedding will take place.

Lady Stefanie of Wondon asks her cousin too, if she can take care of her daughter Sophie Smith, while she's preparing for the wedding.

Lady Samantha of Malbourgh answars, Chantelle Wood can take care of Sophie Smith, too.

Sir Thomas of Wondon arrives to The Rooster Claw, Chantelle Wood is a bit discontemped with the fact, she now has to care for both Sir Patrick Jr. and Sophie Smith,

Sir Thomas of Wondon tries to cheer Chantelle Wood up.

While they all are rehearsing, Sherry Owens invites the couples Finly Dade and Ruddy Lockey and Abe and Selina Walden home to Wonden Town after the wedding, so Finly Dade and Abe Walden can buy new instruments at har brother, Frank Noneman.

Late Summer on the morning of the wedding, the Guttricians comes to Rooster Claw. After greetings with the Malbourghians, the all go to Wondon Tower with the entertainers and Sir Thomas of Wondon.

At Wondon Tower, Sir George and Lady Allyson of Guttric with their daughter, Lady Josephine of Guttric, arrive to the wedding from The Goblet at Sharton.

Their son, Sir Arnold of Guttric, travels with his parents and his girlfriend, Moyo Warton, who act as their bodyguard, too.

When wedding ceromony is over, Abe and Selina Walden, Finly Dade, Rowan Frederic and Sherry Owens starts the music.,

At the dancefloor, Sir Arnold of Guttric starts dancing with Moyo Wardon to the music.

Soon, Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric and Moyo Wardon are kissing and cuddling on the dancefloor, too.

The cosin of Flynn Flower, Maya Reise, enters the dancefloor and interrupt Sir Arnold of Guttric and Moyo Wardon gulbing each other.

Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric and Maya Reise starts dancing for a while, whilst Moyo Wardon starts dancing with Ruddy Lockey.

Moyo Wardon finds out, Ruddy Lockey is the boyfreind of one of the musicions, Finly Dade, amd they dance for a while.

Sudantly, Moyo Wardon sees her boyfreind, Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric kissing and cuddling with Maya Reise at the tables with the refreshments.

Filled with hatred and jealousy, Moyo Wardon dashes to the tables to smack her boyfriend, Sir Arnold of Guttric, because he had kissed Maya Reise.

Ruddy Lockey is following Moyo Wardon close behind.

Moyo Wardon gets so furious, she gives Sir Thomas of Wonden a mouse, before Ruddy Lockey can grab her, and take her away to calm her down.

Now, the brother of Maya Reise, Alexander, steps in and want to arrest Moyo Wardon as the local sheriff.

Ruddy Lockey, having Moyo Wardon in a tight clasp, promis to take care of Moyo Wardon, and make her behave for the rest of the night.

Feeling a bit responsible, by stealing Moyo Wardon's boyfriend, Maya Reise makes her brother, Alexander Reise, let Moyo Wardon go with a warning.

When alone, Moyo Wardon starts crying in the arms of Ruddy Lockey.

Moyo Wardon is very much in love with Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric, and now he has dumped her for Maya Reise, just because, she's from the House of Wondon and Hence a lady of nobility.

Ruddy Lockey holds Mojo Wardon tight and tells her, that's how the nobilities do. Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric is supposed to find an other lady of nobility.

Ruddy Lockey tells Mojo Wardon, he thinks she's lovely, and then he kisses her.

Mojo Wardon thinks Ruddy Lockey is sweet, and she and Ruddy start dancing tenderly.

Hayley Lockey sees her brother, Ruddy Lockey, kissing and cuddling Moyo Wardon in front of his boyfriend, Finly Dade and gets curious.

Hayley Lockey leads Sir Peter of Turain closer to Ruddy Lockey and Moyo Wardon dancing, and she asks her brother, what's going on?

Hayley Lockey suggest, Sir Peter of Turain and Moyo Wardon shall dance with each other, while she talks with her brother, Ruddy Lockey.

When Moyo Wardon and Sir Peter of Turain come dancing close to an intoxicated Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric who is dancing Maya Reise, Moyo Wardon decides to try make Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric jaloux by kissing Sir Peter of Turain in order to win Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric back.

Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric is tu busy snuggling Maya Reise to notice Moyo Wardon, but Sir Peter of Turain likes Moyo Wardon's kissing and starts kissing Moyo Wardon intimately.

Hayley Lockey notice Sir Peter of Turain and Moyo Wardon kissing passionately, and jump up to smack Moyo Wardon.

A bit intoxicated, Moyo Wardon strikes back at Hayley Lockey.

At the end of wedding night, the musicians stop the music and prepare to go home.

At the meantime, Finly Dade and Ruddy Lockey start to quarrel. Finly Dade thinks Ruddy Lockey was kissing and hugging Moyo Wardon too intimately.

While Ruddy Lockey is talkning with his sister, Hayley Lockey, Finly Dade goes to Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha of Malbourg to ask for permission for them to stay at Wonden Town for a while for him to buy an new instrument.

At Wonden Town the companions are splitting up:

Rowan Frederic and Sherry Owens are sleeping at home.

Kirk and Claire Wharton is going to sleep at the sister of Kirk Wharton, Rosalin Warren at The Old Witch.

Claire Wharton and Annika Turain agrees to meet again next day.

Finly Dade and Ruddy Lockey, Abe and Selina Walden and their son, Dawe are supposed to have a room at The Old Witch too, but since they all were arguing over Moyo Wardon, Ruddy and Hayley Lockey have a room for them self.

Sir William and Marisa of Wonden, Ernest and Lady Philomena Flower and the sheriff, Richie Rowan Brant and Sir Ethan of Turain and his wife, Sharon and their Children Annika and Gielgud Turain, Sir Peter of Turain continue to the castle.

It appaeres, that Sherry Owens' brother, Frank Noneman, has his workshop next to The Old Witch, so Rowan Frederic and Sherry Owens, Abe Walden and Finly Dade go mext door to buy instruments, while Selina and Dawe Walden, Hayley and Ruddy Lockey, Annika Turain and Claire Wharton are enjoying themself at The Old Witch.

Kirk Wharton and Rosalin Warren are intertaining each other.

Alone at The Old Witch, Ruddy Lockey admites to Hayley Lockey, that thogh he has been in love with Finly Dade for a more than a year now, he still feel attracked to women, and he do love Moyo Wardon, though she shouldn't have messed with the boyfriend of Hayley, Sir Peter of Turain.

In the evening, Rowan Frederic and Sherry Owens, Abe Walden and Finly Dade return to The Old Witch, while Frank Noneman adjusts their instruments.

Rowan Frederic and Abe Walden starts composing a new son 'Moyo the Witch'.

Finly Dade, Ruddy and Hayley Lockey sits and talk, and Finly Dade and Ruddy Lockey agrees to break up, so Ruddy Dade goes with the Turainians home, while Finly Dade goes with the Malbourghians home.

Early Autum, Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha of Malbourgh break up. With Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourgh, Chantelle Wood, Slim Bellerby and Finly Dade, they head home for Malbourgh.

Ruddy Lockey misses Turain and wants to go strait home for Turain after the wedding.



Finley Mayson marries Hayley Lockey.

Hayley Lockey becomes Envoy.